Wild Horses...Yakama Indian Reservation

Again, I am in awe of the grace and beauty of these animals.  They are so inquisitive and the longer I stay quietly near them, the more comfortable they are with my presence as long as I keep a certain distance.   

I continue to do my little part...currently I am helping to promote the American Mustang Movie with a giveaway of an 11 x 14 Wild Horse print here in the Portland Area.  The film gives a beautifully detailed overview and story about the dwindling wild horses in our country. 

Many of you have asked if these photos are for sale.  Thank you!!  I am working on that now with a portion of each sale going towards the cause...if you would like to receive updates you can here.  :)

This little foal had to lie down and rest about every 30 feet...

This little foal had to lie down and rest about every 30 feet...

So protective, this one...

So protective, this one...

As ever,


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